The feisty results of our recent Engage Poll on the Labor Party found most New Englanders don’t think the Labor Party cares about us, and it would take a miracle and a very good candidate for Labor to ever win a seat like New England or Parkes.
While Labor’s lack of support in the New England is not exactly breaking news, the comments did reveal some interesting insights, that do align with last week’s finding that many locals feel the Nationals have abandoned us.
First up – preferred outcome which in this poll sees a big drop in undecideds, and Labor drop below 50% for the first time but still well ahead. (No, we’re still not showing you vote intention, at least not until we know all the candidates.)
There was quite a bit of noise in the survey results, including a remarkably high number of older, male, One Nation voters, from right across the country from Perth to Cairns joining the survey (which is fine, and welcome as it helps us understand the national picture). Their comments were read and noted, they were then removed from the sample to focus on the 421 local voters’ thoughts and opinions for the results below.
That said, the Labor Party may have wished we left them in the sample, as while the non-locals were strident in their opposition to the Albanese Government, their comments were mild in comparison to the assessment of the average New Englander.
Asked if they think Labor cares about rural areas, or the New England specifically, the answer was fairly solidly in the negative.
Even those who identified themselves as Labor supporters did not have much positive to say. The following comments are all from New Englanders who want the Albanese Government re-elected.
“The Labor Party has made plenty of mistakes but I think they are much better option than the Liberal Party.”
30-34 year old female in Inverell
“[The Labor Party is] a disappointment, but I would rather be dead than vote for the Libs.”
35-39 year old female in Armidale
“They’re totally fine, but lack bite. When you look at how useless and ineffective the opposition are, it’s infuriating how toothless, how spineless the Labor party are at really giving them both barrels.”
40-44 year old male form Armidale
“Prefer Labor over the LNP but disappointed in this government. Albo has been wishy-washy.”
50-54 year old female in Armidale
It offers a secure and stable political and economic future for all Australians – not just the wealthy. It is not perfect but compared to the Trumpian LNP it is the only party worth voting for.
80+ year old man from Uralla area
If the Liberal Party is getting similar results in their focus groups, it is little surprise that their main campaign tactic is to paint Albanese as ‘weak’. A similar story is in his job approval numbers.
Asked what it would take for Labor to win a seat like Parkes or New England, the answer was most frequently ‘a miracle’. Hell to freeze over, pigs flying, and no other candidate to run were also popular responses. But drill down and the path to victory is pretty simple: it comes down to (showing up, giving a damn, and) having a great candidate.
“Way more regional engagement – they’re never out here as it’s not their members areas and it leads us to feeling like they don’t care for us.”
18-24 year old female from Narrabri (Parkes electorate)
They need a big personality out here. Look at what Barnaby has got away with, while achieving absolutely nothing in that same time. His character, his buffoonery are things that appeal to people. Can’t have a wet lettuce, mewling, milquetoast chump, regardless of their background. Honestly, the party and policies don’t even matter.
40-44 year old male voter from Armidale
A really strong candidate, lives in the area, a great communicator, someone who will genuinely represent our community not the party view.
50-54 year old female from Armidale
Unsure but more help for the regional areas such as medical, schools, doctors, and lower rates… They need to remember we are voters too , stop concentrating on cities and get into the rural areas
60-64 year old woman from Guyra area
A very good candidate and something monumental to happen to the National Party.
60-64 year old male from Tamworth
Have a candidate that can beat Barnaby Joyce, he is so ingrained in the New England, Labor will have a fight on their hands. It will have nothing to do with policies, it will be personalities.
65-69 year old woman from Tenterfield area
Good strong articulate individual originally from this area. Someone with family connections. A lot of people vote for who they know ie. local connections, social and family connections. It is often a case of ‘not what you know, but who you know’.
55-59 year old female from Armidale
So as we piece together the story of the partisan position of the New England, it is much the same as the last decade of polling KORE CSR has done in the region:
- A significant proportion of New Englanders are politically engaged, and demanding on their politicians.
- New Englanders feel that no one is meeting those demands, and almost all are accepting some compromise and less than what they’d like.
- They feel abandoned by the Nationals and that Labor has never cared.
- The candidate is more important than the party. They will vote independent or for a non-Nationals candidate – including a Labor candidate – if and only if the candidate meets their tough standards.
In our next couple polls we’re looking at some issue areas, starting with cost of living which is out now – closes Sunday night at midnight.
Apologies for the delay in getting this week’s poll results out.
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