Posted inLetters

Chris Minns: After 12 years, it’s time for NSW to make a fresh start

Tomorrow, voters will have a clear choice – between investing in fixing our essential services; or higher cost of living through further privatisation. 

If you’ve spent hours trying to get an elderly relative into an emergency ward. 

If your children often have cancelled or merged school classes. 

If you’re paying thousands of dollars a year on privatised toll roads. 

Then you already know this Government has lost control of its basic responsibilities, and it’s time for change.

I want to give you three, positive reasons why you should choose a fresh start with Labor. 

First, we will be laser-focused on bringing down your cost of living. I’ve spoken to countless families on this campaign who are being hammered by price rises. 

So as Premier, I’ll launch a $60 weekly toll cap and an Energy Relief Fund to help households and small businesses who are doing it tough with their bills. 

Second, we’ll deliver better public services by investing in our essential workers. With 10,000 more permanent teachers and safe staffing levels of nurses in our hospitals. We’ll scrap the unfair wages cap and we’ll build new schools and hospitals for growing areas like Western Sydney.

And third, Labor will do all this without selling Sydney Water or other public assets. Only Labor will protect Sydney Water and Hunter Water in the NSW constitution. Because the last 12 years of privatisation has been shortsighted, and has left people paying higher prices simply to use services the public used to own. 

After 12 years, the best days of this government are behind them, all their best people have left, and they are out of ideas. 

Four more years of the same means nothing will change – and it’s time for a change in NSW.

New South Wales deserves a fresh start with Labor.


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