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Some questions for ARC on the proposed 50% SRV

Siri Gamage

Revised Documents are on display for public comment for this 50% rate variation sought by the Armidale Regional Council and construction of rail trail between Ben Lomond and Armidale.

Only a few more days remain to make submissions to the council by 20th January. Council will consider public submissions in its February meeting before it applies to IPART seeking the rate variation.

Revised documents under transport and infrastructure state the following:

  • Seek funding for the New England Rail Trail from Ben Lomond to Armidale (C2.1.6). This is in the first year of the delivery program which is 2023-24. Responsible department is Plan Activation and Precincts
  • Construct Rail Trail infrastructure from Ben Lomond to Armidale (C2.1.7) This will be in the year 3-4 of the delivery program.i.e. 2026-27, 2027-28

Construction of rail trail was not included in the previous drafts. But it is now included in this last stage of community consultation?

Community feedback is sought by the council during essentially the Christmas-New year holiday season when people are focusing on family matters – not Council matters?

Submissions are invited and must be titled Revised IP&R Documents and addressed to the General Manager, Armidale Regional Council, PO Box 75A, Armidale NSW 2350 or sent by email to

But I have some questions for the Armidale Regional Council.

One argument for the 50% rate rise is that the council needs more funding for asset maintenance and renewal. The latter is because there is an asset renewal backlog (See Resourcing Strategy). Documents also mention about acquiring new assets in addition to maintaining existing ones.

A few questions arise in terms of acquiring a new asset like the planned Rail Trail between Armidale and Ben Lomond:

1) Has the Council conducted a cost-benefit analysis of acquiring this new asset?

2) What is the benefit when the council will not receive a single dollar from the cyclists?

3) Why add to the asset maintenance costs by adding a rail trail when that money can be used for another purpose?

4) When Transport has been identified as No.1 priority in community consultations, and inter-regional transport is included in the Transport section of the delivery program, why not explore funding opportunities for the restoration of northern rail line from Armidale to Tenterfield collaboratively with other councils along the line?

5) Can the ARC rule out using funds raised by SRV for the purpose of planning, marketing, constructing or maintaining the rail trail?

Want to make your own comment about the proposed SRV, Rail Trail, or any other subject? Check our submission guidelines.


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