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Vote for Nationals is Vote for LPSC Amalgamation

Along with the looming Santos CSG and Hunter Valley Gas Pipeline corporate assault on the Liverpool Plains and Ranges Food and Fibre Bowl comes another assault on Liverpool Plains and Ranges residents and ratepayers battling to retain council independence and stand in their own community power, particularly agriculture.

National Party desires Liverpool Plains Shire amalgamation with Tamworth to parallel Tamworth State electorate for National Party to increase its political grip on council to maintain State electorate power base.

This process is also strongly under way in Upper Hunter with vision being increased council area reflecting Upper Hunter electorate.

If LPSC did amalgamate, god forbid, natural social and topographical extension, would be Gunnedah, being all Liverpool Plains, not Tamworth, deemed to be New England.

There is a calculated boundary change process orchestrated by the National Party under ex disgraced National Party Leader John Barilaro, supported by disgraced ex Premier.

National Party boundary change plan is all about  the Tamworth State electorate boundary being paralleled by  the combined boundary lines of Tamworth Regional Council coupled up with Liverpool Plains Shire boundary lines.

This whole National Party engineered process is about keeping them in power, with newly formed regional super council, being fully loaded with National Party focussed councillors keeping the National Party mantra active at all times

Concerning LPSC, there is much salivating from certain business lusting after amalgamation with Tamworth, thereby giving them much post amalgamation influence on council decisions weighed in their favour.

This is also the hidden agenda of the National  Party and their incumbent member, as those same corporates, are also aligned with the National Party.

The Tamworth State electorate boundary expansion absorbing LPSC was proposed by the National Party under disgraced leader John Barilaro, with the hidden agenda being forced amalgamation of LPSC with Tamworth, thereby having Tamworth council area and Tamworth electorate paralleling each other.

This expands Tamworth further into becoming super  regional city council, following the grand regionalisation plan, that the National Party and certain ex Tamworth Council cohorts adhere to. With politics, regionalisation is all about controlling councils, council votes and your vote.
Liverpool Plains and Ranges residents and ratepayers need to think long and hard.

A vote for the National Party on March 25, is a vote for forced amalgamation with Tamworth, aided by National Party members and supporters, within the LPSC system, at top tier level.

If you wish to have Tamworth Council, backed by Tamworth residents making all the decisions affecting your life, your house, your business, your agriculture and community, vote for National Party Tamworth incumbent come Mar. 25.

Come March 25, a vote for Nationals is a vote for  amalgamation with Tamworth, who being a service centre, would support CSG and Hunter Valley Gas Pipeline on Liverpool Plains and Ranges.

There in lies the double edged sword with Quirindi and Werris Creek becoming poverty outposts of Tamworth with many LPSC villages and communities, at risk of complete community and cultural oblivion.


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