Anthony Canvin, Armidale |
Apart from health, which is being well aired and on which topic Mr. Marshall is leading the charge, transport by train is a forgotten, or at best, a least canvassed topic. Mr. Marshall and the Council do not appear interested in passenger train travel. They ought to be. Are they not aware of the fast-changing demographic?
I’m an age pensioner and, like many of my peers, anxious whilst driving on the Regional roads. I delight in getting the train from Armidale to Tamworth or to Sydney. However, compared to city-based, and most interstate train services it is particularly poor in both frequency and speed of the service (the train attendants are terrific). I use the train to see friends, shop, and medical services south of Armidale but unfortunately, I can’t do this in the other direction; Brisbane and further north. Rail needs a major cash injection.
I first caught the train to Armidale as a teenager to play Rugby in 1965, if memory serves me correctly. It was the day train up but returning was on the overnight train. We left after dinner and arrived early the next morning refreshed after a good sleep. Brilliant! Oh for an overnight train to both Sydney and Brisbane then timing and service would matter little.