Pastor James Dargin, a recognised Indigenous leader and elder in Wollongong, calls for unity on Australia Day.
January 2023
The breath-taking green Comet ZTF
Breath-taking in its beauty, the green comet ZTF is returning to earth 50,000 years after it was last seen.
Bipartisan approach demanded on Recognition of First Nations and Voice
Empowered Communities demand a bipartisan approach to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament
Thumbs up to those who take the time
Siri Gamage, Armidale | Thumbs up to residents in Armidale Regional Council area who have taken time to read documents about the Special Rate Variation(SRV) proposal. They are very complex, detailed and you may have felt that there is an information overload. One aspect I looked at carefully is the section on Connectivity which is […]
We shouldn’t have to fight this hard
On The Net: Armidale is a beautiful and booming town that offers far more than your average regional city. So, why are we having to fight so hard for basic services that we need?
Santos gas pipeline on faultline could destroy Liverpool Plains
As Santos seeks support for their Hunter Gas Pipeline being built on the Newcastle to Mooki Gunnedah faultline, one wonders, if our so called State and Federal Leaders really care about the community’s wellbeing and Australia’s agricultural future.
Some questions for ARC on the proposed 50% SRV
Siri Gamage from the Northern Railway Defenders Forum asks questions about the inclusion of constructing the Rail Trail in the revised plans of Armidale Regional Council currently open to consultation.
QW: More support for Rail Trail
By all means yes to a decent bus service, but at both public meetings I attended at Guyra there was majority support for the rail trail. It will be a game changer for this area in terms of visitor numbers and economic activity. Plus, a great recreational resource for locals.