Posted inEnvironmental

Affordability must drive Australia’s energy debate

Jo Dodds – Co-founder & Director, Australians for Affordable Energy

Policymakers must back the most affordable energy options after the Clean Energy Council survey revealed nearly 70 per cent of Australians support the development of new renewable energy projects.

There is a strong public demand for affordable and sustainable energy solutions, with this new research confirming what Australians for Affordable Energy (AFAE) has maintained: Australians want affordable, reliable and clean energy.

It’s no surprise to anyone paying bills or buying groceries that this research again shows the majority of Australians view the cost of living as their top priority. Energy prices are one of their top three concerns. The good news is, from everything we’ve seen, renewables are the cheapest option and we have them today. 

Every dollar we invest in renewables today is a dollar that helps bring down power bills and protect households from bill shock tomorrow. We’ve looked closely at this and it’s clear the other clean option, nuclear, will cost more and will take decades to deliver. Which means it’s not really an option for Australia at all.

Australians can’t afford to waste time and money on a fuzzy promise of nuclear energy. Every year we delay the renewable transition is another year of higher bills and greater emissions. Why pay more for power when renewables can deliver cheaper energy today?

We must put affordability first. Any energy policy that doesn’t prioritise affordability today is out of touch with what voters actually want.

Australians for Affordable Energy is urging policymakers to focus on practical, cost-effective energy solutions that can deliver cleaner, more affordable power right now—not in decades. 


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